Category Archives: AgS4

Corner 1 almost done

Taking the coilover, control arms, tie-rod end,rotor and caliper off the Santorin car was a bit of a chore because it was the first time I had pulled all of these parts off as a unit.  Doing the same for the Silver car should have been faster, but it wasn’t.  While the Santorin car had spent the duration of its existence in mild climates and garaged, along with having all of those parts replaced at some point in time, the parts on the Silver car had apparently not been touched for ten years.

The biggest headache turned out to be the tie-rod end.  The bolt that clamps the steering knuckle to the tie-rod end did not want to move.  Because there is a notch in the tie-rod end to help it stay in place simply loosening the bolt was inadequate.  On top of that, the TRE cannot be removed from the steering rack until it is removed from the steering knuckle.  If these parts didn’t come apart then the whole thing wasn’t coming off.  So I pulled out the hacksaw and got to work cutting the TRE.

Tie-rod end

After a while I cut through and was able to proceed on.  The stock components were all unhooked and set to the side.  To my surprise, the stock parts were noticeably heavier than the StopTech Big Brake Kit caliper and rotors.  Quite a bit so, the jumble of parts was a load to move around.

OEM parts

Next I set about getting the aftermarket parts onto the Silver car.  With a little finagling they all went into place and I loosely bolted everything in place.

Aftermarket parts

I now need to tighten things down on the Silver car and get about putting the stock components onto the Santorin car so that it can eventually be rolled out of the garage and on to a salvage yard.

First corner removed

After removing a few more bolts I separated the first corner from the Santorin car.  My plan is to put it onto the Silver car right away so the next step is to remove the corresponding components from the Silver car.

Audi S4 upright

Audi S4 front end

Santorin Suspension Dis-Assembly

The original idea was to pull the entire suspension and sub-frame from the Santorin car to transfer over to the Silver car, this would hopefully save me the time of removing the KW V3 coilovers and StopTech Big Brake Kit.  Additionally it was possible the control arms and TRE’s on the Santorin car had fewer miles than the Silver car, even though the Silver car only had 43k on it, because I had replaced the CA’s and TRE’s about four years prior and I had only been putting about 5k miles on the car each year.

While the sub-frame in the Santorin car looked fine, I was worried that if it had been slightly damaged it would cause alignment problems when it was installed on the Silver car.  Once the sub-frame were installed it would be a major pain to remove and replace it, so I decided just to pull out the suspension components from the Santorin car, since in the event one of them had damage that was not visible it would not be too difficult to replace a component.

The motor and transmission are back out as well.

Engine and transmission pulled
Back out for the 4th time.

Suspensino removal