Moving rearward

After completing the front end swap to both cars I moved to the rear of the Silver car to pull off the stock coilover.

Silver rear coilover

Then I moved to the Santorin car and removed the KW V3 from the passenger’s side.

Santorin rear coilover

During the process of removing these coilover I began to debate the possibility of removing the entire subframe, so that the rear axles and differential along with the control arms and bushings could be swapped out.  The condition of the parts on the Santorin car being corrosion free made doing this swap appealing, but the potential challenges of dealing with the brake lines was a negative.  I’m still debating how to proceed.

At the front of the Santorin car I decided I’d pull the steering rack since it was readily accessible.

Steering rack removed

A replacement part arrived this week.  One of the car’s SSR Comp wheels had been damaged and I wanted to return to a full set.  I’d had a tough time finding anyone selling a single wheel, but I happened upon someone who had a set of three SSR Comps that they were having a tough time finding a buyer for.  I decided that having a lightweight spare wouldn’t be such a bad thing, and I’d have one additional wheel as an additional spare in case something happened to one in the future.  Here I’m test fitting the wheel to ensure it has the right size adapter ring.

SSR Comp replacement