Category Archives: Turbocharger

Still tuning the Turbo Concepts

I’m continuing to work on replicating the boost profile that the car operated at with the BorgWarner K04’s.  In this effort I am mainly concerned with the top end boost so that I can compare the pre-turbine backpressure produced by the Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbochargers with that from the other logged turbo’s.  The current state of the boost profile is shown below:

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbos Boost
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbos Boost

This tune started from a FrankenTurbo F21 tune that I used with the same hardware, aside from the turbochargers.  The wastegates on the Turbo Concepts turbochargers are set about 1.5 psi less than what the FT’s had, so I was anticipating some adjustments needing to be made.  The first few revisions were not generating the results I was wanting, so I went back and logged the boost developed at a variety of fixed wastegate duty cycles.  A sample of some of these are shown below:

Turbo Concepts Fixed Wastegate Duty Cycle Boost Levels - 50, 60, 70
Turbo Concepts Fixed Wastegate Duty Cycle Boost Levels – 50, 60, 70.

I suspect one of the reasons this effort to modify the tune is proving a bit more of a challenge than I had anticipated is on account of the unsteady boost curve.  I’d have expected a fixed WGDC to produce a straighter line.   I was concerned with the wastegates when I was trying to set the pre-load and was having trouble, the variations shown above further my concern about the wastegates on these turbochargers.

More Turbo Concepts Data

Continuing to collect data from the Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbochargers as the tune is being tweaked some more.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbo Boost
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbo Boost

The recommended boost I’ve been advised to operate these turbochargers at is an initial rise to 18-20 psi and then taper to 12 psi, aiming to have boost at 15 psi by 5000 rpm.

Unfortunately a boost profile such as that would preclude me from collecting good comparison data to use for evaluating the Turbo Concepts turbo’s against the BW K04’s and other turbochargers that I’ve already evaluated.  My plan is to operate with a boost profile closer to that of the BW K04’s, climbing to 22-23 psi and then tapering down to 21-22 psi.  Once I’ve been able to collect the data that I need I will look into tuning to the recommended boost profile for these turbo’s.

Here’s some additional data from the Turbo Concepts.

Turbo Concepts 2-11 times
Turbo Concepts 2-11 times

With a trend line now on the chart the general chartacter of these turbo’s, with respect to boost onset, can be seen.  The Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbo is not far off from the BW K04, though all of the data collected thus far has been in cool conditions, whereas most of the other turbochargers were logged under a wider range of ambient temperatures.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 First Logs

After checking that the wastegate settings were good on the Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbochargers, and then swapping out a damaged o-ring from a fuel injector, I moved forward with taking some initial readings on the street.

Turbo Concepts DZX-271 Turbocharger Compressor Wheel
Turbo Concepts DZX-271 Turbocharger Compressor Wheel

For the base tune I am using a profile that was built for the FrankenTurbo F21 since the wastegate pressure on those turbo’s is close to the setting I have for the Turbo Concepts turbo’s.  The tune was intended to operate the F21’s at a boost profile close to what I would operate BW K04’s at.  The tune will be refined for these turbochargers, but the results below are probably a good indication of where these turbo’s will rank relative to the other turbo products.

Outside air temperature during this logging session was 58 degF.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers - Boost & MAF
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers – Boost & MAF

Here are a series of several brief accelerations to capture the boost onset.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers - Boost
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers – Boost

In order to observe how the turbochargers responded to a tune that is designed for a lower wastegate preload, the TTE550’s, I loaded the tune that I used with the TTE turbo’s.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers - Low WG preload tune
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers – Low WG preload tune

The boost onset rate is roughly the same, but clearly the initial boost spike level is not.  30+ psi is not likely where I will operate the Turbo Concepts “Stage 1” turbocharger at.

Finally, with a handful of data points I can begin to see how the Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbocharger compares with the other turbochargers that I have previously logged.

Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers - 2-11 time
Turbo Concepts Stage 1 Turbochargers – 2-11 time

The Turbo Concepts results form a curve that is similar to the BorgWarner K04’s (red points) under warmer ambient temperatures.  The Turbo Concepts were logged in 58 degF conditions and the K04’s with temperatures around 85 degF.

The coldest conditions that I logged the TTE550’s in were 41 degF, and the Turbo Concepts Stage 1 turbo’s spool up more quickly, even with warmer conditions.

As more data is collected under different temperature conditions I would expect a data ‘cloud’ to form for the Turbo Concepts turbo’s similar to that of the other turbochargers, indicative of how the boost onset is affected by the ambient temperature.

There is also the possibility that once the tune is tailored to these turbochargers that the boost onset results will be affected, though probably only slightly.