Wrapped Y-Pipe Temperatures

Continuing down the intake I’ve gone and wrapped up the RS4 Y-Pipe.

Foil Wrapped B5 RS4 Y-Pipe
Foil Wrapped B5 RS4 Y-Pipe

It’s quite the beaut now, with Duct Insulation wrapped around the entire thing.

Duct Insulation
Duct Insulation

Seeing as how the Y-pipe is an ‘air duct’ applying this material seems proper.  It consists of a foam layer about 3-4 millimeters thick with a reflective coating on one side and adhesive on the other.  The advertised R value for the material is R-3.

Taking the S4 out for my usual drives produced the following results in the morning:

Morning Drive with Wrapped Y-Pipe
Morning Drive with Wrapped Y-Pipe

Later in the day I repeated the procedure recording in higher ambient temperatures.

Afternoon Drive with Wrapped Y-Pipe
Afternoon Drive with Wrapped Y-Pipe

Adding these latest drives into the collection that I’ve got going yields the following charts:

Morning Drive Comparison
Morning Drive Comparison with Wrapped Y-Pipe

Afternoon drive:

Afternoon Wrapped Y-Pipe comparison chart
Afternoon Wrapped Y-Pipe comparison chart

I was hopeful that this extra heat protection would produce some benefit, the Y-pipe sits directly on top of the engine and seems like a good candidate for some insulating material.

There are moments in the drive when the temperature with this latest modification is lower, around approximately 5 degrees F.

Without digging deeper into the data my initial call is that the wrapping did help some.