Today was directed at some loose ends on the Avant. I completed the installation and bleeding of the Stoptech BBK on the front end of the Avant.

Then, because the alignment was horribly out of whack, on account of all the components being moved over from the Sedan, I brought the Avant in to the Alignment Specialists (in St. Charles MO) to have an alignment performed.

A few hours later it was back on the road and driving well. I then stopped off at a local Cat Scale to have the Avant weighed.

I’m impressed that it is only 20 lbs. heavier than my Sedan S4 (shown below).

Finally it is time to start giving some thought to how I have the suspension dampers set. With the information provided by Performance Shock from when they rebuilt my Stasis Öhlin Motorsport coilovers I’ll be conducting some experiments to see what settings I like.