After loading a revised tune onto the car’s ECU I took a short drive and had a couple of alert lights come on the gauge cluster. I plugged in the XTool to see what the problem was and the device could not connect with the ECU.
I decided I should return home, but now the car would not start. I had to pull a MacGyver to get the bolts out of the ECU box, and then I disconnected the ECU, re-connected it, and then was able to start the engine to return home. Upon arrival I hooked up VCDS and received the following alerts:
18010 – Power Supply Terminal 30
P1602 – 35-00 – Voltage too Low
16985 – Internal Control Module
P0601 – 35-00 – Memory Check Sum Error
The second one I had never seen before, but I immediately thought that maybe I hadn’t created a checksum on the latest bin that I had loaded on the ECU. Looking in the folder with the development tunes I saw the latest file name lacked a CS at the end of the name, my indicator that the (C)heck (S)um had been set. Doh!
It took unplugging the ECU for a while before I could get Nefmoto to connect to it, but finally it did and I was able to write a corrected file.
Lesson learned about staying vigilant when installing files on the ECU.