Wheel well pressure

While in the process of removing the shroud from my test intercooler I realized it would not take much additional effort to relocate a couple of pressure sensors to the wheels wells to check a claim that there is a high pressure region in front of the tire that hurts air flow through the intercooler core.

Shown below are the locations that the sensors were placed in the wheel well liner slats.

picture of driver side wheel well
Driver side wheel well liner
Picture of passenger side wheel well liner
Passenger side wheel well liner

After placing the sensors in the wheel wells I set out on the same route I have driven previously for the IC shroud testing to collect IC MAF data.


Shown below is the pressure reading from each sensor during the drive.

Chart of Audi B5 S4 wheel well pressure

Effectively there was no positive pressure recorded by either sensor.  The values shown on the chart (red and blue lines) are within the sensors measurement error.  Possibly a more sensitive device, one that could accurately read less than 1/10 psi of pressure, could have shown a change with different speeds.

The one period where the passenger side pressure rose to approximately 0.05 psi may have coincided with the S4 passing another vehicle resulting in a momentary increase in pressure.

The other results that were obtained are related to the mass air flow through the intercooler core.  This case had the shroud removed from the intercooler and the belly pan in place.

Chart of intercooler shroud final data

Overall the results of this testing have produced some peculiar trends that suggest there are some not-so-obvious air flow interactions taking place through the bumper cover and below the vehicle.


IC Shroud Test – Cleaned Up Data

Following up on the initial results that were recorded to assess the mass air flow through a portion of the intercooler core.  The raw data included various speed changes and spanned several minutes worth of driving, both of which made comparing the different configuration results challenging.

Chart of shrouding maf test
Shrouding MAF Test


Presented below is data that has been sifted through to extract specific conditions so as to allow a direct comparison of like cases.

For each speed I found the median value for the time period that the speed was being held, and for the accompanying MAF readings I also found the median value.  These are presented on the chart as discrete points and then connected by lines to help with illustrating the trend.

It can bee seen that there is some variances in speed between the different conditions, i.e. one case may have a median speed of 39.8 mph while a comparison case has a median value of 40.4 mph.  Holding the exact same speed on the road at different times would be hard achieve and I believe the results are close enough to represent the underlying truth values.

Chart of intercooler shroud comparison data

The chart illustrates a couple of interesting points.

  1. That the addition of the shrouds improves the mass airflow through the section of the core that the MAF is located behind.
  2. Going from 30 to 40 mph for the case without shrouds shows a drop in mass air flow.  (Air flow into the area forward of the IC core or pressure behind the core is likely being disrupted by some interaction with another part of the vehicle.)
  3. Even at 50 mph the case without shrouds has not recovered to the air flow rate recorded at 30 mph.
  4. All test cases show a drop in air flow going from 55 to 60 mph.  (This is likely another secondary interaction that is impacting the air flowing through the core.)
  5. All three cases show roughly the same increase in air flow through the core versus speed increase.  If the 30-40 mph drop in the case of the “No Shrouds” had not occurred the rate of increase in mass air flow rate would have mirrored the other two cases closely.
  6. Above 30 mph the absence of the belly pan appears to have improved airflow through the IC core.


These results show a clear benefit to having the shrouds installed for increasing mass air flow through the section of the intercooler core where the MAF sensor and housing were placed.

The results don’t give any indication as to the affect of mass air flow rate on intercooler performance, and subsequently the charge air intake temperature.  It is possible that a mass air flow rate of 5 g/s is adequate to transfer away the maximum amount of heat available across the core fins and that additional air flow in excess of that amount is unusable, therefore not decreasing the intake air temperature any further.

TTE550 Day 2

Today I tried to make more progress on removing the studs from the turbine housing of the TTE550 turbochargers that I received yesterday.  I picked up a stud removal tool to help with my extraction attempts of the stuck stud.

I also had left penetrating oil on the studs for the past 24 hours.  I started off with trying to loosen the studs on the second turbo as I let the corner of the turbine housing with the pesky stud be blasted by a heat gun for several minutes.

To my pleasant surprise I was able to remove the studs from the second turbo with my fingers.  Four down, four to go.

I went back to the first turbo and attached the stud removal tool.  With the help of a breaker bar the stud slowly began to loosen.  With the pesky stud out I had hopes that the other three would be easier, but that was not to be.  I repeated the heating process on the second stud, and again with a great deal of force I was able to slowly extract the stud.  Then my luck ran out.

I heated the third corner and attached the stud removal tool.  Part way through my initial pull the stud gave out and sheared off about halfway down the stud.  There was still enough thread left to get a good bite on the stud with the removal tool, so I attached it again and tried some more.  Again the stud sheared, this time inside the turbine housing.  Lovely.

The last one was a repeat of the third, the stud sheared halfway down and I threw in the towel at that point not wishing to have two studs broken off inside the turbine housing.

WTF is going on here.  My best guess is that these studs were never taken out at TTE.  The turbine housings were purchased from TTE as they were known to be good used units with no cracks in them.  I was having a set of K04’s upgraded and the original turbine housings were deemed unacceptable for use in the upgrade.   Apparently they never tried taking the studs out of these used housings before working on the housing and sending the completed product to me.

Here’s what I’ve got now:

Picture of TTE550 Turbine Stud Carnage
TTE550 Turbine Stud Carnage

I was hoping to avoid taking the turbo to a machine shop, but drilling out the studs is not something I’ve got the tools for, so it looks like I’ll be researching a place to get me out of this jam.