Transmission Mounts

On my first go around with aftermarket transmission mounts I installed the 034 Motorsport Street Density mounts. To their credit I did not notice any difference, which I consider a good thing since if I had noticed a difference it most likely would have come in the form of additional vibration and noise in the cabin.


The second round with aftermarket transmission mounts saw me trying the Apikol Blue mounts.  They’ve not been in use enough to comment on the durability, and with a number of other recent changes on the car it is hard to tell what if any difference the Apikol transmission mounts have made.


Compared to the previously installed 034 Street density mount.

apikol and 034 motorsport Audi B5 S4 transmssion mounts

Finally I installed the Apikol transmission mounts and documented that effort here.

After driving the car a short time I immediately noticed more vibration and noise in the cabin than I had previously with no apparent improvement to how the car drove or rode.  Because of this unsatisfactory outcome I shortly thereafter removed the Apikol transmission mounts in favor of the 034 mounts and sold the Apikol mounts.

Audi B5 S4 Information and Testing