Category Archives: Upgrade Work

FT21 Removal Underway

I made some good progress toward moving on from the FrankenTurbo F21’s to the TTE 550’s.  Engine was removed along with the driver side FT21.  I’m hoping to have the second FT21 removed today so it can be shipped back to FrankenTurbo for some porting of the turbine housing.  (We’re interested in seeing if there is an affect on exhaust side back pressure with porting of the turbine housing).  These will come back for additional flowbench testing in addition to another run on the S4.

FrankenTurbo F21 removed from engine
One FT21 removed


In order to recycle my coolant I collect it in the rectangular box (1), transfer it to the plastic jug (2), and then run it through a coffee filter back into a coolant container (3).  Because the filtering process takes a while I have two going at the same time and refill the funnel when I have a break doing other tasks on the car.

Engine coolant reuse

Both turbo’s are out, and now boxed up for shipping back to FrankenTurbo.

Picture of FrankenTurbo F21 Mixed Flow Turbochargers
FrankenTurbo F21 Mixed Flow Turbochargers

Whoa! Enough boost

Continuing to revise the tune for more boost I ended up with these results.  Peaking at 29 psi and holding 27 psi out to past 6600 rpm, with no sign of letting up, is good enough for me on 93 octane.

FrankenTurbo F21 High Boost Chart
FrankenTurbo F21 High Boost
27 psi Boost and MAF
27 psi Boost and MAF (RS4 MAF Sensor)

Fluidampr crankshaft pulley

Soon to be installed on my S4 is one of the Fluidampr engine dampers.

Fluidampr 2.7T engine dmapener

I’m not expecting to be able to detect any difference from the driver’s seat, but hopefully it will help with engine longevity, especially at higher than stock horsepower levels which I expect my car to be operating at.

Here’s it is on a bathroom scale, weighing in at 7.2 lbs.


And a couple more angles of the product.



Today I removed the stock crankshaft pulley and weighed it on the same scale to compare with the Fluidampr weight.


  • Stock: 4.6 lbs
  • Fluidampr: 7.2 lbs

Here’s the two parts side-by-side:

(L-R) Stock, Fluidampr

Installed on the S4.


Finally, some additional information about what these viscous dampers do to help mitigate the affects of torsional vibration.