This afternoon I removed the engine from the Avant. This time it took a bit longer than it has in the past, partly attributable to being a car that I’ve not worked on before and having some components that are not as removal friendly as ones on my Silver S4.
With the engine out of the car I began removing items from the engine in preparation for detaching the transmission. My plan is to use the transmission with a lower mileage engine, and to sell the Avant’s engine.
This afternoon I finished removing the engine and transmission from the Silver S4. This pair will be going into the Avant. I also installed the rear portion of the Avant's exhaust pipes onto the Silver car. The Avant had an AMD built three inch exhaust on it that sounded pretty…
The engine with 47k miles on it was ready for installation today. Out with the stock downpipes and in with my Autospeed 3" pipes. This new engine brings with it a transmission with about 115k on it, a Southbend Stage 3 clutch, dual mass flywheel, and Stasis 4:1 center differential.…
My experience with the Nogaro project has reached an end. This was the final condition of the Nogaro S4 prior to being rolled out of the garage onto a transport and hauled away by another B5 S4 owner. With no interest in getting it into running condition, and parting out…