Prompted by a suggestion that a different orientation of the water shock / anti-surge accumulator would be better for this setup I took the time to rearrange the hoses for the accumulator and the nozzle supply.
The new orientation of the accumulator off of the tee has the fluid exiting the pump proceeding directly toward the accumulator, and then veering off 90 degrees to go to the nozzles.
A log with this new orientation is shown below:
Overlaying the two accumulator orientations leads to the chart below:
The difference around 3000 rpm is almost certain to be related to the manner in which boost built during the two sessions, rather than a result of the different orientation.
It is hard to discern if there has been any change to the quality characteristics of the flow with the change to the placement of the anti-surge accumulator; but there has not been any detrimental effects from the change so I plan to leave the accumulator in the new location.
Results from installing the Aquamist water shock (aka anti-surge accumulator) are shown below. The charts are labeled with the boost pressure, psi, along the left vertical axis, and the water-methanol injection flow rate, mL/min, on the right vertical axis. Prior to install - no accumulator inline: After installing the accumulator: The…
I decided to pull this component out of a parts box and install it on my water-methanol injection system to see if it will help with smoothing out the fluid flow to the intake. The part is called an anti-surge accumulator. Aquamist offered it with the 2D system that I…
I turned my attention to the passenger side turbo today. A test fit of the Turbo Concepts turbocharger showed that I'd need to do some work with the file on this side as well. In this case the issue was with the wastegate canister and bracket. After snugging the turbocharger…