During some of the recent activity showing the TTE 550’s and FT21’s on E85 tunes I forgot about this car’s results. While the survey results thus far would indicate more are interested in quick spooling of the turbocharger, under the condition I outlined, it is still fun to look at what can be accomplished with these K04 hybrid turbochargers.
The S4 dyno’d below has the FrankenTurbo FT21 turbochargers, aftermarket rods, 2.8 cams, and using E85, no WMI.
The car was also recorded on a FATS pull, a nice cross check to see how ‘legitimate’ the dyno numbers are. It managed a 2.63 time in that acceleration exercise, which corroborates well with the dyno results. Based upon the two results it would seem that around 500 whp is a decent estimate for the car’s power.
My personal experience with comparing FATS to dyno numbers has been positive, I found when comparing my TiAL 605 setup on 100 octane race gas during a FATS pull with the results produced on EPL’s Mustang dyno that the two matched up quite well.
In the chart below the light blue line is what was recorded on the dyno (shown further down the page), and the other colored lines were FATS pulls of 2.69-2.71 seconds.

From the dyno chart below I have extracted the numbers for the solid red line to plot versus the FATS line above.