Airbox Filter Drive Temperatures

Continuing my investigation (first post here) into how the air filter temperature changes under different driving conditions I recorded my morning and afternoon commutes.  Note that the temperature readings appear to drop below the ambient temperature, this is likely due to a combination of factors, such as the temperature sensor having some variation, me not monitoring the temperature on the dashboard closely, and driving through cooler pockets of air.


AM Commute
AM Commute

and in the early evening/late afternoon:

PM Temperatures
PM Temperatures

I’m now wondering more about those holes in the airbox:

"Darintake" modified airbox
“Darintake” modified airbox

I’m curious now to know if they are letting hot air into the airbox more readily than would a closed airbox. To test this theory out I went and unmodified the bottom half of my airbox, shown below:

Gorilla Taped Airbox
Gorilla Taped Airbox

The plan is to drive the car tomorrow along a similar route and see how the temperatures compare.

Below is a close up of the temperature sensor probe as it is positioned inside the stock air filter.

Air Temp Probe in Air Filter
Air Temp Probe in Air Filter

The follow on observations are here.