Stage III Tuning


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September 26, Call APR and speak to Brett, inform him that my car was last filled with 93 octane gas.

September 27, today started off optimistically. The group that had attended H2O and picked up my car was to have arrived back in Auburn Monday night. I shot Hoss an email first thing in the morning with some instructions on the water injection system in my car. It’s disabled for now, but I wanted them to know how to operate it. I hoped to get a copy of the baseline dyno pull so I could compare their dyno to the DynoJet pulls I had done previously. I also wanted to see how my plots on their dyno compared to their advertised dyno graph.

Around 2 pm APR time I hadn’t heard anything from them so I called and asked for Hoss. He was on another line with a customer so I left my number and a message and was assured that Hoss would call me when he got a chance. An hour later I still had not heard anything so I called again, and this time asked for Hoss or Brett. Since Brett is overseeing the tuning I figured he could get me the info I wanted if Hoss couldn’t. Brett was in a meeting and Hoss wasn’t around, so I left a message again. I got home from work, now 5 pm APR time, and called them once again. The person who answered the phone informed me that they had both gone home for the day. I explained that my car had just been brought in and I was trying to find out what progress had been made on it. He informed me that no work had been done to the car today. There wasn’t much more to say at that point other than I’d be calling to talk to Hoss first thing in the morning.

So, if that report was accurate, APR is not off to a good start. Next Friday I’m showing up there to get my car, which now leaves them with 7 work days to figure out what is wrong with the H code, correct that problem, and then if Stephen’s boast on AW is to be believed, they’ll also come up with improved software for the entire line up.

September 28, I called APR at 1:15 their time and was told Hoss was still at lunch. So they took a message and my number. An hour later I called back and was able to speak with Hoss.

They have had some lingering work that they needed to finish up, so they haven’t gotten to my car yet. Hoss thought that by the end of this week they should be getting to it. He expected that at the latest Monday they should have a good assessment of how long it is going to take to tune the car. That’s good, since I fly in to retrieve the car next Friday.

It’s scary to think this is how they handle a high visibility project with significant customer involvement.

September 30, at 11:50 a.m. I call and ask to speak to Hoss. After holding for 5 minutes I’m told he is with a customer on another line. I ask if I can speak to Brett, I’m told he is not available. I inform the person on the phone that they have my car and I’m trying to find out what work has been done with it. They state that they will try and find something out from Hoss. After holding 5 more minutes they come back and tell me that they cannot reach Hoss, he’s still with the other customer. They take my name and number.

1:10 p.m. Hoss calls me back! Says that yesterday afternoon and this morning they have been driving the car and logging with ECUx. They did note some issues with the timing and there have been some issues with ECUx working correctly. The have had some delays with a GTI car and figuring out the DSG, which has slowed them on working my car, this other car is on the dyno preventing my car from being dyno’d. I asked about the beta work that has been going on and if they will be revising any of that with my car and he said that yes they will be evaluating the beta software in my car and will be continuing to try and get a good update produced using my car so they can push it out to everyone.

October 3, 3:30 pm I call for Hoss, he is in a meeting. Brett is in the meeting as well. Leave my name and number. 5 p.m. call again and now Hoss in on another line with somebody. I hold for 10 minutes and then get to speak to Hoss. I ask how things are going and they state they still haven’t been able to get the car on the dyno due to the car ahead of me. I ask how they are going to get things done before I arrive on Friday (4 days from today) and Hoss is shocked to hear I’m coming on Friday, he was under the impression they would have the car the entire month. I’d emailed him after purchasing my ticket in August that I’d be coming the 7th of October, that ticket was bought after asking him how long they’d need the car, and he said 2 weeks should be adequate. So I went and changed my flight to the 28th of October from the 7th as well as changing dates to pickup rental vehicles.

October 5, 3:45 pm I call for Hoss. He is out of the office, but should be back in 45 minutes. I leave my contact info. I try to reach Brett but he’s not answering the page. I email Hoss and ask if they’ve started work on my car yet, they’ve now had it for 7 workdays. At 4:45 pm I call again, Hoss is still not back and Brett is in a meeting that he cannot break away from. I leave a message to have one of those two call me and tell me what is going on with my car. I do not hear back.

Thursday, October 6, Call at 11:40 am and ask for Hoss, he is in a conference. Brett is not in yet. Leave a message to contact me. Call again at 12:45 and am able to speak to Hoss. I am told that they still haven’t started on my car, but tomorrow they will be finished with the VW they have been working on, so they will be getting started with a dedicated effort tomorrow. He tells me that if I call back on Monday they should have some information for me.

Monday, October 10, Call at 4 pm and ask for Hoss. On the other line, will be available shortly, took message & number. 4:45 pm call APR again. Hoss on another line with someone, I hold. Told he will be with them a little while. Told that he knows I am calling and he will call me when able. Do not receive a call back.

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PREVIOUS PHASE: Trouble Shooting

Audi B5 S4 Information and Testing