Silly Rabbit Motorsport Audi B5 S4 exhaust manifolds
Product Pictures:
The Silly Rabbit Motorsport exhaust manifolds were attached to an adapter that simulates the B5 S4 cylinder head exhaust port in diameter. The adapter is affixed to a flow bench that is operating in exhaust mode and the pressure drop and airflow through each primary runner is measured with the air exiting at the exhaust manifold outlet.
I was a little surprised by how much additional airflow the Silly Rabbit Motorsport manifolds allowed in comparison to the AWE exhaust manifolds. Before putting the SRM product on the bench I looked the part over and made a guess as to they would perform comparatively. I’d guessed that they would flow a little better, not the 20-30% more than the AWE product that they ended up doing.
Follow up
An additional test using a velocity probe to determine the exhaust manifold outlet airflow velocity was conducted.